
Thursday, May 20, 2010

Welcome to Chicago NRA Visitors!

Welcome to the 100+ countries that are in for the NRA Show to enlighten you on the influence of their cuisine. That’s a few dozen more than the ethnic neighborhoods in Chicago - all of which have shaped our local culinary map.

To all of the NRA visitors – welcome to Chicago. Chicago is one of the greatest restaurant cities in the world so enjoy every experience you have here and thanks so much for coming. We also appreciate what you leave behind for us to savor.

What else do we have going for us? Well, for one thing, the summer like weather this weekend will be contagious.

Caution however because Chicago will suck you in. At least a dozen people I know moved here because they attended a trade show and, like me, fell in love with the city. Not to worry…I’ll even go home with you and help you pack.

The NRA educational sessions are so well-timed – like the session on Mobile Restaurants - Restaurants Get Rolling: Chefs Take It to the Streets. Since I thrived in Mexico for so many years eating off the streets, I am excited to see NRA’s agenda so state-of-the-art.

Just a warning - you could get lost in so many aspects of the show if you don’t have a plan so try to stick with it ... but also follow wherever your imagination may take you because there are so many new possibilities at this show.

Me, I’m going to try and give you the best coverage consuming the least amount of calories. Is that even possible?

If I happen to end up in fat camp next week, cut me a little slack...

Died and gone to food heaven and not even sure if I’m ever coming back!

Bon Appetit!